We could show that the peptide inhibited growth of the prostate tumor cell lines that express substantial levels of GRP78

May 8, 2017

or a possible role of androgens in trout skeletal muscle function as inferred from the identification of the androgen receptor as well as from genes that increase AR expression, such…

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We next divided 46 single experiments into 3 groups depending on the dynamics observed in each experiment

May 5, 2017

activity in vivo are poorly understood. This is in part due to the complex composition and post-translational modification of PP2A. Structurally, it is a heterotrimeric complex typically consisting of a…

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These results together with our previous results in Discussion GRP78/BiP is expressed in many human cancers where it mediates tumor growth by enhancing proliferation

d innocula in the 10-fold dilution series that did not show any sign of CPE at day 3 or 4 post-infection. The assumption was that only a small population of…

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Tumor size was assessed measuring three perpendicular diameters according to the formula: V = , where p is a mathematic constant and d1, d2 and d3 represent the three spatial dimensions

May 4, 2017

case and exonuclease activities in vitro and in vivo. The level of WRN acetylation increases in cells exposed to methyl methanesulfonate, and long-patch BER activity increases in wild type but…

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the present report established that pseudomonad cyanogenesis affects A. thaliana Col-0 primary root growth by inhibiting auxin synthesis/perceptio

toxin on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Characterizing these phenomena is the change of the variability-based fitness versus the administration time, implying somehow the loss of the host fitness. Periods…

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The plates were illuminated with cool fluorescent light with an intensity of 24 mmol m22 s21. Kinetics of cyanide production in different pseudomonad strains

May 3, 2017

HAND. Diminished infection levels in the CNS are probably critical in reversing HIVdriven neurite damage, although our results caution that chronic exposure to opiates may inflict damage even in the…

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These observations were confirmed by fluorescent microscopy where large numbers of Lp01 were found intracellularly at later time points vs. the infrequent appearance of HL051C

analysis, and protein analysis. Microarrays are a Sex Difference in mRNA Content Men Fiber type composition Type I Type IIa+IIx Mean area per fiber Type I Type IIa Type IIx…

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Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis Total RNA from breast cancer cell lines and from 16 frozen human tissues samples was isolated with TrizolH

May 2, 2017

patient was identified with a personal number. Patients were aware that their data were stored in a specific database, but were not informed that these data were used for research…

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In accordance with the growth rates, the doubling times of the DDB2 deficient MCF-7 cell clones 2

s surrounding exon 7, which codes for amino acids 134185 of the PME-1 gene. The 59 and 39 homologous recombination fragments were subcloned into the NotI and BamHI sites and…

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The results presented here support the latter possibility, demonstrating that WRN acetylation stimulates pol b-mediated strand displacement DNA synthesis and LP BER

April 28, 2017

s. RNA was considered as suitable for array hybridization only if RU 58841 chemical information samples exhibited intact bands corresponding to the 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA subunits, displayed no…

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