CX-4945 (CX 4945) is a potent and selective ATP-competitive small molecule protein kinase CK2 inhibitor with a Ki and an IC50 of 0.38 and 1 nM for recombinant human CK2¦Á, respectively. CX-4945 (CX 4945) has broad spectrum anti-proliferative activity in multiple cancer cell lines. The antiproliferative activity of CX-4945 (CX 4945) against cancer cells correlated with expression levels of the CK2¦Á catalytic subunit. Attenuation of PI3K/Akt signaling by CX-4945 (CX 4945; Silmitasertib) was evidenced by dephosphorylation of Akt on the CK2-specific S129 site and the canonical S473 and T308 regulatory sites. CX-4945 (CX 4945) suppresses Akt signaling and inhibits proliferation of HUVEC Cells. CX-4945 (CX 4945) caused cell-cycle arrest and selectively induced apoptosis in cancer cells relative to normal cells. In models of angiogenesis, CX-4945 (CX 4945) inhibited human umbilical vein endothelial cell migration, tube formation, and blocked CK2-dependent hypoxia-induced factor 1 alpha (HIF-1¦Á) transcription in cancer cells. Collectively, CX-4945 (CX 4945) inhibits pro-angiogenic CK2 signaling in vitro and in vivo

June 21, 2017

prudect name : CX-4945 (CX 4945) is a potent and selective ATP-competitive small molecule protein kinase CK2 inhibitor with a Ki and an IC50 of 0.38 and 1 nM for…

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CCT128930 is a novel potent ATP-competitive, AKT inhibitor with an IC50 of 6 nM. CCT128930 prevents AKT activity in vitro and in vivo and induces marked antitumor responses. CCT128930 showed significantly antiproliferative activity and inhibited the phosphorylation of a range of AKT substrates in multiple tumor cell lines in vitro, consistent with AKT inhibition. CCT128930 caused a G1 arrest in PTEN-null U87MG human glioblastoma cells, in good agreement with AKT pathway blockade

prudect name : CCT128930 is a novel potent ATP-competitive, AKT inhibitor with an IC50 of 6 nM. CCT128930 prevents AKT activity in vitro and in vivo and induces marked antitumor…

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For the treatment of adults with high cholesterol and endogenous hypertriglyceridemia

prudect name : For the treatment of adults with high cholesterol and endogenous hypertriglyceridemiaCiprofibrate Synonyms: CAS NO: 52214-84-3Molecular Formula: C13H14Cl2O3Molecular Weight: 289.16Purity: 99%Solubility: Storage: -20¡æ CP 673451 References PubMed ID::

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Cilomilast(SB-207499) is among the first of a new generation of PDE4 inhibitors (Ki ¡Ö100 nM). Cilomilast(SB-207499) inhibits HPDE4 and LPDE4 catalytic activity with equal potency (Ki ¡Ö100 nM). SB-207499 and rolipram are equipotent against LPDE4, but Cilomilast(SB-207499) is 100-fold less potent against HPDE4. This profile suggests that Cilomilast(SB-207499) retain the anti-inflammatory activity of rolipram yet have a decreased tendency to produce side effects.

prudect name : Cilomilast(SB-207499) is among the first of a new generation of PDE4 inhibitors (Ki ¡Ö100 nM). Cilomilast(SB-207499) inhibits HPDE4 and LPDE4 catalytic activity with equal potency (Ki ¡Ö100…

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CGK733 is able to confer robust growth to senescent cells that have ceased proliferation. Senescence-associated ¦Â-galactosidase (SA¨C¦Â-gal) activity disappears in CGK733-treated cells. CGK733 shows greater potency in inhibiting ATM/ATR than LY294002 (IC50 , ~5 ¦ÌM for ATM and ATR), a pan-inhibitor of PI3K and PIKKs. CGK733 (30 ¦ÌM) treated for 24h causes ~60% cell death in senescent MCF-7 cells. CGK733 (20 ¦ÌM) induces the loss of cyclin D1 via the ubiquitin- dependent proteasomal degradation pathway in MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cell lines. CGK733 at concentrations ranging from 0.6- 40 ¦ÌM, inhibits proliferation of MCF-7 and T47D estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer cells, MDA-MB436 ER negative breast cancer cells, LnCap pros-tate cancer cells and HCT116 colon cancer cells. Furthermore, CGK733 also suppresses proliferation of non- transformed mouse BALB/c 3T3 embryonic fibroblast cells. The CGK733-mediated inhibition of proliferation is dose dependent and significant at doses as low as 2.5 ¦ÌM.

prudect name : CGK733 is able to confer robust growth to senescent cells that have ceased proliferation. Senescence-associated ¦Â-galactosidase (SA¨C¦Â-gal) activity disappears in CGK733-treated cells. CGK733 shows greater potency in…

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prudect name : CatharanthineSynonyms: CAS NO: 2468-21-5Molecular Formula: C21H24N2O2Molecular Weight: 336.43Purity: 99%Solubility: Storage: −20°C

prudect name : Catharanthine Synonyms: CAS NO: 2468-21-5Molecular Formula: C21H24N2O2Molecular Weight: 336.43Purity: 99%Solubility: Storage: −20°C 2 years Cy5 NHS Ester References PubMed ID::

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CHIR-99021(CT99021) is a glycogen synthase kinase 3¦Â (GSK3¦Â) inhibitor that has antiproliferative activity in vitro and in vivo. [1] CHIR-99021 inhibits GSK-3 with IC50 at 7 nM. In a series of carcinoma cell lines, the IC50 of CHIR99021 for proliferation is about 10¦ÌM. [1] CHIR-99201 does not exhibit cross-reactivity against cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) with 350-fold selectivity toward GSK-3¦Â compared to CDKs

prudect name : CHIR-99021(CT99021) is a glycogen synthase kinase 3¦Â (GSK3¦Â) inhibitor that has antiproliferative activity in vitro and in vivo. [1] CHIR-99021 inhibits GSK-3 with IC50 at 7 nM….

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CUDC-101 is a potent multitargeted HDAC, EGFR and HER2 inhibitor with IC50 of 4.4, 2.4, and 15.7 nM, respectively. CUDC-101 has novel structure incorporating HDAC inhibitory functionality into the pharmacophore of the EGFR and HER2 inhibitors. In most tumor cell lines tested, CUDC-101 exhibits efficient antiproliferative activity with greater potency than vorinostat (SAHA), erlotinib, lapatinib, and combinations of vorinostat/erlotinib and vorinostat/lapatinib. In vivo, CUDC-101 promotes tumor regression or inhibition in various cancer xenograft models including nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC), liver, breast, head and neck, colon, and pancreatic cancers.

prudect name : CUDC-101 is a potent multitargeted HDAC, EGFR and HER2 inhibitor with IC50 of 4.4, 2.4, and 15.7 nM, respectively. CUDC-101 has novel structure incorporating HDAC inhibitory functionality…

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Calcitriol, also called 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, is the hormonally active form of vitamin D with three hydroxyl groups (abbreviated 1,25-(OH)2D3 or simply 1,25(OH)2D). It increases the level of calcium (Ca2+) in the blood by increasing the uptake of calcium from the gut into the blood, decreasing the transfer of calcium from blood to the urine by the kidney, and increasing the release of calcium into the blood from bone.

prudect name : Calcitriol, also called 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol or 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, is the hormonally active form of vitamin D with three hydroxyl groups (abbreviated 1,25-(OH)2D3 or simply 1,25(OH)2D). It increases the…

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prudect name : Coenzyme Q10;Ubiquinone 10;UbidecarenoneSynonyms: CAS NO: 303-98-0Molecular Formula: C59H90O4Molecular Weight: 863.36Purity: 99% minSolubility:

prudect name : Coenzyme Q10;Ubiquinone 10;Ubidecarenone Synonyms: CAS NO: 303-98-0Molecular Formula: C59H90O4Molecular Weight: 863.36Purity: 99% minSolubility: in DMSOStorage: -20oC AZD8055 References PubMed ID::

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