DCC-2036 is an ABL switch control inhibitor with IC50 of 0.8 and 2 nM for u-ABL1native and p-ABL1native, respectively. DCC-2036 strongly prevents both unphosphorylated and phosphorylated ABL1 by inducing a type II inactive conformation, and retains efficacy against the majority of clinically relevant CML-resistance mutants, including T315I. DCC-2036 suppresses BCR-ABL1(T315I)-expressing cell lines, prolongs survival in mouse models of T315I mutant CML and B-lymphoblastic leukemia, and inhibits primary patient leukemia cells expressing T315I in vitro and in vivo, supporting its clinical development in TKI-resistant Ph(+) leukemia. In addition, DCC-2036 also inhibits other kinases with IC50 of 2,4,6,34,29 and 38 nM for Flt3, KDR, Tie2, Src, LYN and FGR kinases, respectively.

June 21, 2017

prudect name : DCC-2036 is an ABL switch control inhibitor with IC50 of 0.8 and 2 nM for u-ABL1native and p-ABL1native, respectively. DCC-2036 strongly prevents both unphosphorylated and phosphorylated ABL1…

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prudect name : Doripenem Condensation CompoundSynonyms: CAS NO: 491878-07-0Molecular Formula: C30H34N6O12S2Molecular Weight: 734.75Purity: 98% minSolubility:

prudect name : Doripenem Condensation Compound Synonyms: CAS NO: 491878-07-0Molecular Formula: C30H34N6O12S2Molecular Weight: 734.75Purity: 98% minSolubility: Storage: −20°C JNK inhibitor References PubMed ID::http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18510660

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Dapoxetine hydrochloride on the various causes of premature ejaculation have good therapeutic effect.

prudect name : Dapoxetine hydrochloride on the various causes of premature ejaculation have good therapeutic effect.Dapoxetine hydrochloride Synonyms: CAS NO: 119356-77-3Molecular Formula: C21H23NO.HClMolecular Weight: 341.88Purity: 99%Solubility: Storage: −20°C 2 years…

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Doramapimod is a small molecule p38 MAPK inhibitor with an Kd of 0.1 nM. It is more potent than SB 203580 on p38¦Á and p38¦Â MAPKs; It is a potential agent for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

prudect name : Doramapimod is a small molecule p38 MAPK inhibitor with an Kd of 0.1 nM. It is more potent than SB 203580 on p38¦Á and p38¦Â MAPKs; It…

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Dovitinib potently inhibits the FGF-stimulated growth of WT and F384L-FGFR3-expressing B9 cells with IC50 of 25 nM. In addition, Dovitinib inhibits proliferation of B9 cells expressing each of the various activated mutants of FGFR3. Interestingly, there are minimal observed differences in the sensitivity of the different FGFR3 mutations to Dovitinib, with the IC50 ranging from 70 to 90 nM for each of the various mutations. IL-6-dependent B9 cells containing vector only (B9-MINV cells are resistant to the inhibitory activity of Dovitinib at concentrations up to 1 ¦ÌM. Dovitinib inhibits cell proliferation of KMS11 (FGFR3-Y373C), OPM2 (FGFR3-K650E), and KMS18 (FGFR3-G384D) cells with IC50 of 90 nM (KMS11 and OPM2) and 550 nM, respectively. Dovitinib inhibits FGF-mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation and induces cytotoxicity in FGFR3-expressing primary MM cells. BMSCs does confer a modest degree of resistance with 44.6% growth inhibition for cells treated with 500 nM Dovitinib and cultured on stroma compared with 71.6% growth inhibition for cells grown without BMSCs. Dovitinib inhibits proliferation of M-NFS-60, an M-CSF growth-driven mouse myeloblastic cell line with a median effective concentration (EC50) of 220 nM.

prudect name : Dovitinib potently inhibits the FGF-stimulated growth of WT and F384L-FGFR3-expressing B9 cells with IC50 of 25 nM. In addition, Dovitinib inhibits proliferation of B9 cells expressing each…

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DAPT (GSI-IX) is a ¦Ã-secretase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.12 and 0.2 ¦ÌM for total A¦Â and A¦Â42 levels, respectively. DAPT (GSI-IX; ¦Ã-Secretase inhibitor IX) causes a reduction in A¦Â40 and A¦Â42 levels in human primary neuronal cultures and in brain extract, cerebrospinal fluid and plasma in vivo. DAPT (GSI-IX; ¦Ã-Secretase inhibitor IX) does not affect APP¦Á and APP¦Â levels. Blocks Notch signaling in hybrid human-mouse fetal thymus organ culture (FTOC). Activity causes neural cells to commit to neuronal differentiation. As an inhibitor of ¦Ã-secretase, DAPT may be useful in the study of ¦Â-amyloid (A¦Â) formation. As an inhibitor of Notch, DAPT may advance studies of autoimmune and lymphoproliferative diseases, such as ALPS and lupus erythematosus (SLE). Other ¦Ã-secretase substrates include LDL receptor-related protein, E-cadherin and ErbB-4

prudect name : DAPT (GSI-IX) is a ¦Ã-secretase inhibitor with IC50 of 0.12 and 0.2 ¦ÌM for total A¦Â and A¦Â42 levels, respectively. DAPT (GSI-IX; ¦Ã-Secretase inhibitor IX) causes a…

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NXY-059 is a novel free radical scavenger properties. neuroprotective agents

prudect name : NXY-059 is a novel free radical scavenger properties. neuroprotective agentsDisufenton sodium (NXY-059) Synonyms: CAS NO: 168021-79-2Molecular Formula: C11H13NNa2O7S2Molecular Weight: 381.33Purity: 99%Solubility: Storage: −20°C 2 years PD 173074…

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prudect name : Dalcetrapib/JTT705Synonyms: JTT705CAS NO: 211513-37-0Molecular Formula: C23H35NO2SMolecular Weight: 389.59Purity: 98% minSolubility: In DMSOStorage:

prudect name : Dalcetrapib/JTT705 Synonyms: JTT705CAS NO: 211513-37-0Molecular Formula: C23H35NO2SMolecular Weight: 389.59Purity: 98% minSolubility: In DMSOStorage: -20°C AZD 5438 References PubMed ID::http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18510580

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prudect name : DCJTBSynonyms: DCJTBCAS NO: 434938-12-2Molecular Formula: C30H35N3OMolecular Weight: Purity: 99% minSolubility: Storage:

prudect name : DCJTB Synonyms: DCJTBCAS NO: 434938-12-2Molecular Formula: C30H35N3OMolecular Weight: Purity: 99% minSolubility: Storage: RGDS peptide References PubMed ID::http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18510549

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prudect name : DSASynonyms: DSACAS NO: 138685-19-5Molecular Formula: C54H40N2Molecular Weight: Purity: 99% minSolubility: Storage:

prudect name : DSA Synonyms: DSACAS NO: 138685-19-5Molecular Formula: C54H40N2Molecular Weight: Purity: 99% minSolubility: Storage: AFQ-056 References PubMed ID::http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18510501

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