La Sant?Publique: Carine Kodo. Implementers: Tour?Siaka, Pety Tour?(ACONDALa Sant?Publique: Carine Kodo. Implementers: Tour?Siaka, Pety Tour?(ACONDA),

May 16, 2018

La Sant?Publique: Carine Kodo. Implementers: Tour?Siaka, Pety Tour?(ACONDA
La Sant?Publique: Carine Kodo. Implementers: Tour?Siaka, Pety Tour?(ACONDA), Fassinou Ekouevi (EGPAF), Ida Viho (ICAP), Anthony Richard Tanoh, Olivier Bl?(Fondation ARIEL GLASER). Community representatives: Yaya Coulibaly (RIP+), Philom e Takouo (ONG Bayema). Programme ESTHER: Jean Marie Massumbuko. CIRBA: Kouadio Kouakou. Programme National de Sant?Infantile: Doroth Koumi. Programme Elargi de Vaccination: Bert?Kon? Methodology and Data Management Center: Inserm U897, Institut de Sant?Publique, d’ id iologie et de D eloppement, University of Bordeaux, France: Sophie Dattez, Sophie Desmonde, Julie Jesson, Sophie Karcher, J e Le Carrou, Val iane Leroy (coordinating investigator), Karen Malateste, Camille Ndondoki, Pierre Touret. Methodological support: Caroline Bouyssou, Genevi e Ch e, Val ie Conte, Delphine Gabillard, Val ie Journot, Roger Salamon. MEREVA, Bordeaux. Website: Accueil.aspx Supporting teams: Luxembourg Institute of Health, Luxemburg: Vic Arendt (co-investigator), Carole Devaux, Jean-Claude Schmit. H ital Universitaire Des Enfants Reine Fabiola, Brussels, Belgium: Philippe Lepage (co-investigator) H ital Necker-Enfants Malades ssistance AZD-8055 msds Publique opitaux de Paris and EA8, Universit?Paris Descartes: St hane Blanche (co-investigator), Deborah Hirt, Christine Rouzioux, Claire Pressiat, Jean-Marc Treluyer, Saik Urien. Commissariat ?l’Energie Atomique: Alain Pruvost (CEA), Laboratoire de Virologie, Hopital Saint-Louis: Marie-Laure Chaix-Baudier. UMR 1058 “Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic Infections” INSERM-Universit?Montpellier-EFS, PubMed ID: Montpellier, France: Philippe Van de Perre (co-investigator). Administrative team: Elodie Vernoux (Bordeaux, France), Aminata Par?Karambiri (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), Zouma PubMed ID: Tinto (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), Adoulaye Cisse (Abidjan, C e d’Ivoire), Madikona Dosso (Abidjan, C e d’Ivoire). MONOD ANRS 12206 Scientific Steering Committee: Roger Salamon (Chair; Bordeaux, France), Val iane Leroy (coordinating investigator; Bordeaux, France), Nicolas Meda (co-investigator; Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso), Marguerite Timite-Konan (co-investigator; Abidjan, C e d’Ivoire), Vic Arendt (co-investigator; Luxembourg), St hane Blanche (co-investigator; Paris, France), Philippe Lepage (co-investigator; Brussels, Belgium), Philippe Van de Perre (co-investigator; Montpellier, France), Fran is Dabis (Bordeaux, France), Jean-Claude Schmit (CRP-Sant? Luxembourg). Promoter: Inserm-ANRS, France: Jean-Fran is Delfraissy (Director), Brigitte Bazin, Marie de Sol e, Claire Rekacewicz. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the French Inserm-ANRS, European Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership, or University of Bordeaux. Funding European Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (reference: IP.2007.33011.002), Inserm-ANRS, FNR-Luxembourg. DLD is a PhD student fellow funded by the ANRS (ANRS12206-B89). Authors’ contributions VL, SB, PL, PVdP, RS, NM and MTK designed the trial. DD, MC, CY, SO, AK performed the trial in Ouagadougou. MAF, CAB, FE, DA, SN and MTKDahourou et al. BMC Medicine (2017) 15:Page 15 ofperformed the trial in Abidjan. CSD, RO and TT were in charge of laboratory analysis. VL and KM wrote the analysis plan. KM did the analysis. VL wrote the first draft of the report. All authors critically revised the manuscript, and read and approved the final version. Competing interests The aut.