Based on the measurement of lactate dehydrogenase activity released from the cytosol of damaged cells into the supernatant

June 27, 2017

ellet in red blood cell lysis buffer, and incubating for 1 minute at RT. Cells were washed again twice as before and counted. CD8+ T cells, total T cells or NK cells were purified from infected B10 WT splenocytes by magnetic cell sorting according to the manufacturer’s instructions. 5 million CD8+ T cells, total T cells or NK cells from B10 WT infected spleens, or 20 million total WT or mutant splenocytes were transferred i.v. into P48/P48 mutant animals. Two hours later, control and reconstituted mice were infected with 106 P. berghei ANKA parasites and were monitored for appearance of cerebral LY2109761 supplier symptoms and for overall survival. Supporting Information Infection with Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis Single cell suspensions of Mycobacterium bovis BCG was prepared for in vivo infections as previously described. Briefly, 56104 colony-forming units were inoculated intravenously into 812 week-old mice. Six weeks after infection, mice were sacrificed, weighed and the spleen CFUs were determined by homogenization and plating on Dubos oleic agar base. The level of BCG infection was defined as the logarithm of the mean number of viable BCG recovered from spleens. The spleen index was defined as the square root of the spleen weight divided by the body weight. For Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, 812 week-old mice were infected with 50 CFUs/ lung of M. tuberculosis H37Rv by the aerosol route, and survival was monitored. Acknowledgments The authors are indebted to Patricia D’Arcy, Genevieve Perreault, Nadia ��Prud’homme, Susan Gauthier, Normand Groulx, Mifong Tam, Fiona McIntosh and Lei Zhu for expert technical assistance. ~~ Mammalian cells require oxygen for energy homeostasis and thus for maintenance of cellular function and integrity. On the molecular level, adaption to reduced oxygen concentrations depends on the activation of the Hypoxia-inducible Factor, which enables critical processes such as glycolysis, angiogenesis and erythropoiesis. HIF is a transcriptional heterodimer, consisting of a constitutive -subunit and an oxygen sensitive a-subunit, HIF-1a or HIF-2a. Both a-subunits are regulated similarly, mainly by oxygen dependent hydroxylation leading to ubiquitination and proteasomal destruction. However, knockout experiments, tissue expression patterns and target gene specificity PubMed ID: indicate isoform specific roles at least to some extent. Of note, in hypoxic rat kidneys HIF-1a and HIF-2a display a strikingly separate expression pattern. The former shows expression in tubular epithelia, whereas the latter shows expression in interstitial and glomerular cells. For a number of reasons, the kidney has played a seminal role in understanding oxygen sensitive gene regulation. Despite a high oxygen transport rate to the kidney, oxygen tensions are very heterogeneous and in part lower as 10 mmHg. Teleologically this may explain why the prototype of oxygen regulated genes, erythropoietin, is mainly induced in the kidney. Acute renal failure by ischemia-reperfusion injury is greatly attenuated if pharmacological preconditioning with HIF stabilizers is performed. Finally, the recognition component of the oxygen responsive ubiquitin ligase complex, the von Hippel Lindau tumor suppressor, is a gatekeeper for growth control of tubular epithelial cells in the kidney. In humans, biallelic inactivation of VHL leads to the development of renal cell carcinoma of the clear cell type, which occurs in the hereditary VHL syndrome as well as i