ABT-751 is a novel bioavailable tubulin-binding and antimitotic sulfonamide agent with IC50 of about 1.5 and 3.4 µM in neuroblastoma and non-neuroblastoma cell lines, respectively. ABT-751 binds to the colchicine-binding site on beta-tubulin and inhibits the polymerization of microtubules, thereby preventing tumor cell replication. In preclinical studies, ABT-751 showed antitumor activity against a broad spectrum of tumor lines and human xenograft models (colon, nasopharyngeal,lung, stomach, breast, pancreas, prostate). ABT-751 is active against cell lines resistant to vincristine, doxorubicin, and cisplatin. ABT-751 also disrupts tumor neovascularization, reducing tumor blood flow and so inducing a cytotoxic effect. ABT-751 is currently under clinical development for cancer treatment.

June 21, 2017

prudect name : ABT-751 is a novel bioavailable tubulin-binding and antimitotic sulfonamide agent with IC50 of about 1.5 and 3.4 µM in neuroblastoma and non-neuroblastoma cell lines, respectively. ABT-751 binds to the colchicine-binding site on beta-tubulin and inhibits the polymerization of microtubules, thereby preventing tumor cell replication. In preclinical studies, ABT-751 showed antitumor activity against a broad spectrum of tumor lines and human xenograft models (colon, nasopharyngeal,lung, stomach, breast, pancreas, prostate). ABT-751 is active against cell lines resistant to vincristine, doxorubicin, and cisplatin. ABT-751 also disrupts tumor neovascularization, reducing tumor blood flow and so inducing a cytotoxic effect. ABT-751 is currently under clinical development for cancer treatment.

Synonyms: CAS NO: 141430-65-1Molecular Formula: C18H17N3O4SMolecular Weight: 371.41Purity: 98% minSolubility: In DMSOStorage: -20°C

1256580-46-7 References PubMed ID::http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18498820