Cult Moral > Difficult Non-Moral (DM > DN)Region Right mid temporal lobe

March 1, 2018

Cult Moral > Difficult Non-Moral (DM > DN)Region Right mid temporal lobe Right TPJ Left TPJ Right mid temporal lobe Left mid temporal lobe Left post central gyrus A priori ROIsa aPeak MNI coordinates 56 56 ?0 50 ?4 ?4 MNI coordinates ?8 54 54 ?6 ?2 ?9 22 16 22 ? ?2 ?8 ?6 ?6 ? ?4 14 16 ?4 10z-value 4.04 3.55 3.74 3.52 3.61 3.17 t-Statistic 2.84 3.64 3.ACC Middle frontal gyrus b Right TPJ b Right TPJ b Right TPJ b Left TPJ b vmPFC b vmPFC b vmPFC b vmPFC18.30/3.98 14.13/3.49 12.44/3.36 13.73/3.44 13.04/3.34 11.14/3.07 11.57/3.13 12.56/3.28 21.61/4.33 21.89/4.Left TPJ Right TPJ a Right TPJROIs, regions of interest corrected at P < 0.05 FWE using a priori independent coordinates from previous studies: aYoung and Saxe (2009). See footnote of Table 1 for more information.Notes: We used a priori coordinates to define ROI in our analysis. All ROIs were selected on the basis of independent coordinates using a sphere of 10 mm and corrected at P < 0.05 FWE and were attained through MarsBaRs. Peak voxels are presented in the tables at P < 0.001 uncorrected and all images are shown at P < 0.005 uncorrected. Cluster size was defined by a minimum of 10 contiguous voxels. All coordinates are in MNI Space. ROIs, regions of interest corrected at P < 0.05 FWE using a priori independent coordinates from previous studies: aGreene et al. (2004) and bYoung and Saxe (2009).Table 2 Main effect of Difficulty (DM ?DN > EM ?EN)Region vmPFC Peak MNI coordinates ? 55 12 z-value 3.See footnote of Table 1 for more information.TPJ and deactivate the vmPFC, while easy moral decisions appear to differentially deactivate the TPJ and activate the vmPFC, relative to the appropriate non-moral controls. These findings therefore suggest a purchase AZD0156 degree of relative functional dissociation between the TPJ and vmPFC for moral decision making. The TPJ was selectively more engaged for difficult moral decisions, while in contrast, the vmPFC was selectively more activated for easy moral decisions, BLU-554 site suggesting that these regions have different functional roles in the moral network. To identify whether this activation and deactivation pattern associated with making difficult moral decisions overlapped with the network showing the reverse pattern implicated in making easy moral decisions, we performed a conjunction analysis. We first applied a conjunction to the contrasts Difficult Moral > Difficult Non-MoralSCAN (2014)O. FeldmanHall et al.Fig. 3 (a) Whole-brain images for the contrast Difficult Moral > Difficult Non-Moral scenarios. The TPJ was activated (shown in yellow) while the vmPFC and bilateral OFC were deactivated (shown in blue: computed as Difficult Non-Moral > Difficult Moral). (b) Whole-brain images for contrast Easy Moral > Easy Non-Moral scenarios. The vmPFC was activated (shown in yellow) while the TPJ and dlPFC were deactivated (shown in blue: computed as Easy Non-Moral > Easy Moral scenarios). (c) A priori ROIs (indicated by red circles, corrected at FWE P < 0.05, are shown for the conjunction analysis of contrasts illustrated in Figure 3a and b (vmPFC [-2 54 -4] and TPJ [-52 -46 4]).Table 5 Difficult Non-Moral > Difficult Moral (DN > DM)Region MCC vmPFC Right OFC Left OFC Left anterior insula Right anterior insula A priori ROIsa aPeak MNI coordinates 0 0 22 ?6 ?2 36 MNI coordinates 0 ?8 2 4 34 49 50 50 26 7 ?0 ? 28 54 46 48 16 18 34 2 ?2 ?2 ?0 ?z-value 4.66 3.37 3.98 4.01 3.37 3.24 t-statistic 4.84 4.20 3.47 3.ACC Middle frontal gyrus b vmPFC b vmPFCROIs, regions of interest.Cult Moral > Difficult Non-Moral (DM > DN)Region Right mid temporal lobe Right TPJ Left TPJ Right mid temporal lobe Left mid temporal lobe Left post central gyrus A priori ROIsa aPeak MNI coordinates 56 56 ?0 50 ?4 ?4 MNI coordinates ?8 54 54 ?6 ?2 ?9 22 16 22 ? ?2 ?8 ?6 ?6 ? ?4 14 16 ?4 10z-value 4.04 3.55 3.74 3.52 3.61 3.17 t-Statistic 2.84 3.64 3.ACC Middle frontal gyrus b Right TPJ b Right TPJ b Right TPJ b Left TPJ b vmPFC b vmPFC b vmPFC b vmPFC18.30/3.98 14.13/3.49 12.44/3.36 13.73/3.44 13.04/3.34 11.14/3.07 11.57/3.13 12.56/3.28 21.61/4.33 21.89/4.Left TPJ Right TPJ a Right TPJROIs, regions of interest corrected at P < 0.05 FWE using a priori independent coordinates from previous studies: aYoung and Saxe (2009). See footnote of Table 1 for more information.Notes: We used a priori coordinates to define ROI in our analysis. All ROIs were selected on the basis of independent coordinates using a sphere of 10 mm and corrected at P < 0.05 FWE and were attained through MarsBaRs. Peak voxels are presented in the tables at P < 0.001 uncorrected and all images are shown at P < 0.005 uncorrected. Cluster size was defined by a minimum of 10 contiguous voxels. All coordinates are in MNI Space. ROIs, regions of interest corrected at P < 0.05 FWE using a priori independent coordinates from previous studies: aGreene et al. (2004) and bYoung and Saxe (2009).Table 2 Main effect of Difficulty (DM ?DN > EM ?EN)Region vmPFC Peak MNI coordinates ? 55 12 z-value 3.See footnote of Table 1 for more information.TPJ and deactivate the vmPFC, while easy moral decisions appear to differentially deactivate the TPJ and activate the vmPFC, relative to the appropriate non-moral controls. These findings therefore suggest a degree of relative functional dissociation between the TPJ and vmPFC for moral decision making. The TPJ was selectively more engaged for difficult moral decisions, while in contrast, the vmPFC was selectively more activated for easy moral decisions, suggesting that these regions have different functional roles in the moral network. To identify whether this activation and deactivation pattern associated with making difficult moral decisions overlapped with the network showing the reverse pattern implicated in making easy moral decisions, we performed a conjunction analysis. We first applied a conjunction to the contrasts Difficult Moral > Difficult Non-MoralSCAN (2014)O. FeldmanHall et al.Fig. 3 (a) Whole-brain images for the contrast Difficult Moral > Difficult Non-Moral scenarios. The TPJ was activated (shown in yellow) while the vmPFC and bilateral OFC were deactivated (shown in blue: computed as Difficult Non-Moral > Difficult Moral). (b) Whole-brain images for contrast Easy Moral > Easy Non-Moral scenarios. The vmPFC was activated (shown in yellow) while the TPJ and dlPFC were deactivated (shown in blue: computed as Easy Non-Moral > Easy Moral scenarios). (c) A priori ROIs (indicated by red circles, corrected at FWE P < 0.05, are shown for the conjunction analysis of contrasts illustrated in Figure 3a and b (vmPFC [-2 54 -4] and TPJ [-52 -46 4]).Table 5 Difficult Non-Moral > Difficult Moral (DN > DM)Region MCC vmPFC Right OFC Left OFC Left anterior insula Right anterior insula A priori ROIsa aPeak MNI coordinates 0 0 22 ?6 ?2 36 MNI coordinates 0 ?8 2 4 34 49 50 50 26 7 ?0 ? 28 54 46 48 16 18 34 2 ?2 ?2 ?0 ?z-value 4.66 3.37 3.98 4.01 3.37 3.24 t-statistic 4.84 4.20 3.47 3.ACC Middle frontal gyrus b vmPFC b vmPFCROIs, regions of interest.