Western blot was also used to measure expression of the phosphorylated form of NF-kB in lungs and bone marrow derived macrophages

August 3, 2017

TACGACTCACTATAGG CCTATAGTGAGTCGTATTACGAGGCCTTTCG TTGGGCTG -39. Biotinylated PCR primer and reverse primer were as follows: Forward 59-biotin- 5 Large-Scale Manufacture of esiRNAs Using Microchip GCTCCGGAAAGCAACC CGAC-39 and Reverse 59- CAGCCCAACGAAAGGCCTCG-39. Streptavidin -coated magnetic beads were purchased from Invitrogen. Biotinylated DNA templates were immobilized on these beads following the standard protocol provided by the manufacturer. performed following the PubMed ID:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22205151 instruction of CellTiter 96H AQueous Non-Radioactive Cell Proliferation Assay Kit. Transwell Assay and Self-assembled Cell Microarray for the Cell Migration Study For transwell migration assays, Hela cells were seeded into the upper chamber of a Transwell insert in 100 ml serum-free medium per well. Medium containing 10% serum was added in the lower chamber to function as a chemoattractant. Non-migratory cells were removed from the upper chamber by scraping the surface with a cotton bud. The cells remaining on the lower surface of the insert were fixed with 2% formaldehyde and stained by DAPI. Self-assembled cell microarray screening assay was performed according to our previously described study. Fabrication of the Microchip The microwell chip was composed of two parts, a 96-well or 384-well plate, and a magnetic mask. The latter was assembled from a group of magnetic bars so that the bar came in close contact with the well when removing the magnetic beads. In vitro Transcription and esiRNA Production on Beads In vitro transcription was carried out in reaction buffer containing T7 RNA polymerase. The magnetic beads containing immobilized DNA template were incubated with IVT buffer at 37uC for 4 h with shaking. Once transcription finished, the DNA template immobilized magnetic beads were removed, and tag-probe immobilized magnetic beads resuspended in1 X SSC were added into the supernatant. The mixture was then heated to 95uC, slowly cooled down to 65uC, and incubated at 65uC for 1 h. After these performances, dsRNA duplex would anneal and hybridize onto beads via tag-probes. Washing with 0.56SSC, at least 3 times, would remove the excessive transcription solution and DNA templates. The magnetic microbeads were easily removed after the transcription or the digestion step using a 96-magnetic needle plate, which was assembled with a group of electromagnetic steel needles. Finally, following the siRNaseIII protocol, enzymatic digestion was performed at 30uC with shaking. After 1 h, enzymatic digestion was terminated by adding EDTA. The supernantant esiRNA products were stored at 280uC until the subsequently used for transfection. The digested products were transferred into another plate for transfection with the aid of the magnetic mask. Supporting Information netic beads. A. Different amounts of magnetic beads were used during the immobilization step. The transcription products were normalized. B. Different amounts of Tag-probe immobilized beads were added before the hybridization step. The yield of esiRNA products was normalized. esiRNA Transfection, Real-time PCR, Western Blot and Cell Viability Assay esiRNAs were transfected into 293 T or Hela cells using Lipofectamine 2000 according to the manufacture’s instruction. Cells were collected at 48 h for the real-time PCR and western blot assay, or at 72 h for the cell survival and MTS assays. Cell lysis and protein extractions of 293 T or Hela cells were performed following the Odanacatib site indicated procedures. Antibodies against TP53,