Although useful in their power to explain and predict different general phenomena, these models are far removed from routine experimental conditions

May 8, 2017

Only a few differentially transcribed genes map to the susceptibility loci on Chromosomes 5 and 17. Three transcripts map to the locus on Chromosome 5, with two being down-regulated, and one being upregulated, in susceptible mice. Expression of Bmp2k and Spp1 transcripts were concordantly regulated in the second microarray experiment. Cxcl11 mRNA was not detectable in either pool of RNA in this experiment, but it was found to be about four-fold decreased in infected B6 mice in an RT-PCR assay, corroborating the Foretinib results of the gene array in which a signal log ratio of 21.6 was determined. By contrast, expression levels of two other CXC chemokines did not vary between mice in either analysis. Five transcripts that were significantly reduced in B6 mice map to the locus on Chromosome 17, which covers the murine MHC complex. All differences were confirmed in the second microarray experiment with pooled RNA. One additional gene close to the locus on Chromosome 17 was insignificantly but consistently regulated in that it was decreased in all 9 comparisons between the 3 individual mice of either strain, and the regulation was observed for several transcripts of the gene. It maps centromerically to the suceptibility locus at about 16 cM. No significant expression differences were found to map to the putative locus on Chromosome 13, but three transcripts of an expressed gene were reproducibly regulated below the threshold in line with approximate genomic localisation; SLR, signal log ratio, log2. Differential expression was confirmed by an independent analysis, see text doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000057.t003 7 Chagas Susceptibility Genes a 1.3 fold increase). It encodes a protein with a gonadotropin beta chain-like domain. The slightly increased expression in B6 mice was confirmed in the pooled RNA microarray analysis. Another transcript from this locus, Paip1, was downregulated in 5 of 9 comparisons only, but this could not be substantiated in the second experiment. Numerous gene transcripts have been shown to be involved in immunity of 22408714 Chagas’ disease and its experimental models. A few of these displayed differential expression below the threshold level, and there was concordant regulation in the microarray experiment with pooled RNA samples. Several transcripts of inducible TGFb were increased in B6 mice. This is noteworthy as it supports results of a previous investigation on the differences of the immune response of B6 and F1 mice to T. cruzi in which increased TGF-b expression was shown to enhance susceptibilty. Transcription signals of CD44, and of granzyme B were slightly upregulated in B6 mice. A downregulated transcription signal in B6 mice was found for the beta chain of the IL-2 receptor. DISCUSSION Disease following infection with a pathogen is the result of a complex interaction between the host and the infectious agent. Both host and pathogen genomes are involved in determining the severity of a sickness, and enviromental factors also contribute to the course of an ailment. Genetic variation within human cohorts complicates matters with respect to the identification of genetic sources for disease severity, and in general, several gene loci, splice variants and variation of gene copy numbers are involved. It is thus conceivable 17628524 that the identification of suceptibility genes to infectious diseases in man has not been fruitful thus far, despite of the progress that genome sequencing has achieved. Therefore, it may be a more straightfo