Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis Total RNA from breast cancer cell lines and from 16 frozen human tissues samples was isolated with TrizolH

May 2, 2017

patient was identified with a personal number. Patients were aware that their data were stored in a specific database, but were not informed that these data were used for research purposes. This procedure has been disclosed to the Ethics Committee that, in accordance with national legislation, approved it. Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses were performed with Graphpad PrismH and SAS JMP8H. X2 statistic and Fisher exact test for discrete variables were used to compare proportions, and Student t test was used for continuous variables. The onset of treatment was considered for both groups as the time from which patients had stopped to receive 5-azacytidine treatment. Overall survival was defined as the time from the initiation of therapy to death from any cause and was censored at the date of last information. Survival was estimated by the method of Kaplan-Meier and was compared by the use of the log-rank test. Multivariate analysis was performed using Cox proportional hazard model. Statistical significance was defined as p-value,0.05,,0.01, or,0.001. Methods Patients A retrospective chart review of 17 elderly AML patients following demethylating agents failure was performed in three French centers. The combination of DFX/VD was proposed to patients who were not eligible to any other treatment. Matched controls were patients receiving best supportive care during the same period. There were no differences in Characteristics Cases median Control Median 1 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ) granulocytes monocytes blood blast level medullary blast count favorable karyotype intermediate karyotype adverse risk karyotype ferritin creatinine calcium phosphates vitamin D proteins ns ns ns ns ns ns nd ns 67 2.21 1.18 33.5 68 2 Deferasirox and Vitamin D on Leukemia Results and Discussion In our retrospective case-control study the median age was not statistically different between the DFX/VD and BSC patients groups. Most patients were diagnosed with AML with multilineage dysplasia and cytogenetic prognosis groups were distributed homogeneously between the patients and controls. In addition, there were no significant differences in blast infiltration, leukocytosis, neutropenia, systemic iron and phospho-calcium parameters. All patients received 5-azacytidine. 3 Deferasirox and Vitamin 13679187 target=_blank”>17594192 D on Leukemia When evaluating patients’ Eicosapentaenoic acid (ethyl ester) site outcome between the two groups we observed that median survival of treated patients was significantly increased relative to BSC group . Multivariate analysis realized in the DFX/ VD group showed that among the several blood parameters evaluated only serum levels of VD prior to treatment was able to predict patients’ outcome. Patients with normal VD levels had a significant increase of median OS compared to the group of VD deficiency . Serum VD levels were not correlated to nutritional status. By evaluating hematological parameters at 6 months, we observed that 4 treated patients had significant increased monocyte numbers. The treatment did not decrease the need of transfusion in both VD/DFX and BSC groups. Serum creatinine levels did not incresead following DFX/VD therapy and hypercalcemia or hepatotoxicity were not observed suggesting the safety of the combined therapy in this population of patients. Kantarjian et al have shown that in elderly patients AML, OS was of 4 months. Furthermore, in a recent study that reviewed the outcome of patients with newly-diagnosed AML aged 65 or older treated with demethylating agents CR rate wa