By recombinant expression and purification of full length TcdA and truncated TcdA1874 we were able to compare the cytopathic impact of both TcdA forms

April 6, 2017

ta presented in panels A.: For near-UV CD analysis, the mean residue molar ellipticities at 280 nm were plotted as a function of temperature. Tm values of 32.5uC and 33uC were recorded for CTA1168His6 in the absence and presence of PBA, respectively.: For fluorescence spectroscopy, the maximum emission wavelength was plotted as a function of temperature. Tm values of 34uC and 33.5uC were recorded for CTA1168His6 in the absence and presence of PBA, respectively.: For far-UV CD analysis, the mean residue molar ellipticities at 220 nm were plotted as a function of temperature. Tm values of 36uC and 35.5uC were recorded for CTA1168His6 in the absence and presence of PBA, respectively. Supporting Information based translocation assays. The association rate constants for the CTA standards from Fig. 4B were plotted as a function of protein concentration. The association rate constants for CTA1 obtained from the cytosol of untreated or PBA-treated cells were then plotted on the standard curve. A CTA1 concentration of 0.24 ng/ml was calculated for untreated cells, and a CTA1 concentration of 0.08 ng/ml was calculated for PBA-treated cells. PBA does not inhibit the thermal unfolding of a CTA1 construct lacking the A13 subdomain, CTA1168NHis6.: The temperature-induced unfolding of CTA1168His6 in the absence or presence of 100 mM PBA was monitored by near-UV CD, fluorescence spectroscopy, and far-UV CD. The change in color from blue 23472002 to red corresponds to a change in temperature from 18uC to 60uC.: Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: FN-G SAT KT. Performed the experiments: MT TB SM MB JH AHP. Analyzed the data: FN-G SAT KT. Wrote the paper: KT. 10 April 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e18825 Use of PBA as a Toxin Inhibitor 4. Hazes B, Read RJ Accumulating evidence suggests that several AB-toxins subvert the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation Trametinib site pathway to enter target cells. Biochemistry 36: 110511054. 5. Deeks ED, Cook JP, Day PJ, Smith DC, Roberts LM, et al. The low lysine content of ricin A chain reduces the risk of proteolytic degradation after translocation from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol. Biochemistry 41: 3405413. 6. Rodighiero C, Tsai B, Rapoport TA, Lencer WI Role of ubiquitination in retro-translocation of cholera toxin and escape of cytosolic degradation. EMBO Rep 3: 1222227. 7. Worthington ZE, Carbonetti NH Evading the proteasome: absence of lysine residues contributes to pertussis toxin activity by evasion of proteasome degradation. Infect Immun 75: 2946953. 8. De Haan L, Hirst TR Cholera toxin: a paradigm for multi-functional engagement of cellular mechanisms. Mol Membr Biol 21: 772. 9. Sanchez J, Holmgren J Cholera toxin structure, gene regulation and pathophysiological and immunological aspects. Cell Mol Life Sci 65: 1347360. 10. Massey S, Banerjee T, Pande AH, Taylor M, Tatulian SA, et al. Stabilization of the tertiary structure of the cholera toxin A1 subunit inhibits toxin dislocation and cellular intoxication. J Mol Biol 393: 1083096. 11. Pande AH, Scaglione P, Taylor M, Nemec KN, Tuthill S, et al. Conformational instability of the cholera toxin A1 polypeptide. J Mol Biol 374: 1114128. 12. Surewicz WK, Leddy JJ, Mantsch HH Structure, stability, and receptor interaction of cholera toxin as studied by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Biochemistry 29: 8106111. 13. Goins B, Freire E Thermal stability and intersubunit interactions of cholera toxin in solution and in association ta presented in panels A.: For near-UV CD analysis, the mean residue molar ellipticities at 280 nm were plotted as a function of temperature. Tm values of 32.5uC and 33uC were recorded for CTA1168His6 in the absence and presence of PBA, respectively.: For fluorescence spectroscopy, the maximum emission wavelength was plotted as a function of temperature. Tm values of 34uC and 33.5uC were recorded for CTA1168His6 in the absence and presence of PBA, respectively.: For far-UV CD analysis, the mean residue molar ellipticities at 220 nm were plotted as a function of temperature. Tm values of 36uC and 35.5uC were recorded for CTA1168His6 in the absence and presence of PBA, respectively. Supporting Information based translocation assays. The association rate constants for the CTA standards from Fig. 4B were plotted as a function of protein concentration. The association rate constants for CTA1 obtained from the cytosol of untreated or PBA-treated cells were then plotted on the standard curve. A CTA1 concentration of 0.24 ng/ml was calculated for untreated cells, and a CTA1 concentration of 0.08 ng/ml was calculated for PBA-treated cells. PBA does not inhibit the thermal unfolding of a CTA1 construct lacking the A13 subdomain, CTA1168NHis6.: The temperature-induced unfolding of CTA1168His6 in the absence or presence of 100 mM PBA was monitored by near-UV CD, fluorescence spectroscopy, and far-UV CD. The change in color from blue to red corresponds to a change in temperature from 18uC to 60uC.: Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: FN-G SAT KT. Performed the experiments: MT TB SM MB JH AHP. Analyzed the data: FN-G SAT KT. Wrote the paper: KT. 10 April 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 4 | e18825 Use 17565007 of PBA as a Toxin Inhibitor 4. Hazes B, Read RJ Accumulating evidence suggests that several AB-toxins subvert the endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation pathway to enter target cells. Biochemistry 36: 110511054. 5. Deeks ED, Cook JP, Day PJ, Smith DC, Roberts LM, et al. The low lysine content of ricin A chain reduces the risk of proteolytic degradation after translocation from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol. Biochemistry 41: 3405413. 6. Rodighiero C, Tsai B, Rapoport TA, Lencer WI Role of ubiquitination in retro-translocation of cholera toxin and escape of cytosolic degradation. EMBO Rep 3: 1222227. 7. Worthington ZE, Carbonetti NH Evading the proteasome: absence of lysine residues contributes to pertussis toxin activity by evasion of proteasome degradation. Infect Immun 75: 2946953. 8. De Haan L, Hirst TR Cholera toxin: a paradigm for multi-functional engagement of cellular mechanisms. Mol Membr Biol 21: 772. 9. Sanchez J, Holmgren J Cholera toxin structure, gene regulation and pathophysiological and immunological aspects. Cell Mol Life Sci 65: 1347360. 10. Massey S, Banerjee T, Pande AH, Taylor M, Tatulian SA, et al. Stabilization of the tertiary structure of the cholera toxin A1 subunit inhibits toxin dislocation and cellular intoxication. J Mol Biol 393: 1083096. 11. Pande AH, Scaglione P, Taylor M, Nemec KN, Tuthill S, et al. Conformational instability of the cholera toxin A1 polypeptide. J Mol Biol 374: 1114128. 12. Surewicz WK, Leddy JJ, Mantsch HH Structure, stability, and receptor interaction of cholera toxin as studied by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Biochemistry 29: 8106111. 13. Goins B, Freire E Thermal stability and intersubunit interactions of cholera toxin in solution and in association